January 12

Empower your thinking.

Transform WITH Shay



What are your biggest goals for parenthood?

Is it for your children to be happy and successful?

Or is it, for them to never have a bad day?

Maybe, for them to be constantly entertained?

Always feel loved? Always feel content??

What are your biggest goals for parenthood?

We want them to have it all! We want them to have only happy feelings..

This is all warm and fuzzy feeling. It’s admirable. Yes, it’s natural to our mothering energy.

But, if this is what we consciously or unconsciously want for them, and what we strive for.. it’s robbing them of an authentic life, they came here to experience.

They came here to experience the hardships, so that their souls too, can evolve.. just as yours came here to do.

We do this, many times overexerting ourselves, trying to catch all of life’s hardballs for them, so they don’t have to experience heartbreak, heartache, sadness, all of the heavier emotions..

We do this, and emotionally cripple them. They never learn to flex their emotional intelligence muscle. We never let them flex their resiliency muscles.

What do we think that will leave them with??

The need for “safe rooms” for when they are triggered by the big bad world..

We do this and set up to be powerless.

And what are we truly saving them from??


Unresolved feelings and emotions we haven’t processed. We’re too scared of feeling, so we have no faith in our childrens’ own resilience… because we didn’t tap into our own.

Mmmm.. how do you become authentically empowered?

How do you tap into that silent inner power?

….The divine power that this world has so brilliantly claimed war against..

It starts with us, Moms.

 It starts with you and me.

We walk through the fire first, so we can show them the way after we are gone.

We make the commitment to reach for our own highest potential.

It’s not an easy path.

But damn, it’s a worthy path.

About the Author

Discover a holistic path to healing with Shayleen Halloran, a licensed Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, Shamanic Practitioner, 200hr RYT, and Yoga to Transform Trauma Leader. Embracing the profound mind-body-spirit connection, Shayleen's expertise encompasses all dimensions of well-being. Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Reach out to Shayleen and unlock the keys to building your health, wealth, and happiness. Experience a profound shift towards a life of abundance and fulfillment under her guidance.


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stop wishing your life were different, and take action. 

The time is now. You are here, NOW, for a reason. Let's discover that reason so you can take your life and the life of your family's to the next level.