January 13

Empower your thinking.

Transform WITH Shay

Money Mindset


Do you have money blocks? Or is something else going on?

Hello all I am Shayleen certified Rapid Transformational Therapist.

This post is talking about those pesky subconscious money blocks.

This topic has turned into one of my favorites, but it hasn’t always been like that. 

For so long, I avoided studying money and wealth. I can remember that I was always very put off by it, I felt like I didn’t need it. So I told myself again and again, I didn’t need to work on it. I would push it away, shove it down. Say things like, “Money isn’t important, it isn’t spiritual enough…”

That in itself is a red flag that just screams money blocks! 

I was in denial. 

I’ll tell you a story about why a little later..


But for now..I want you to think about money. I want you to realize that every single day that you are here on this earth, you make decisions around money. 

So it makes sense why this money thing keeps coming up for you. 


Avoiding doing the deep inner work to get past it, doesn’t make your money problems go away. 

Trust me! I was one of those hard-headed people that had to get hit again and again to actually start to wise up and listen to what spirit was telling me. 

After getting the hint, I dove in and dug deep in my own life to figure out why I was having so much trouble with this manifesting monetary abundance. 

 Well….Since transformation is fun when you have some partners.. I’m inviting you to join me! 


Now! My intention for making this blog is to get you to begin questioning your feelings and beliefs around money. 

I know it seems obvious that we all want more of it, we want to feel like we are secure and well taken care of.. that’s all true! 

But, if you want to figure out why you are having such a hard time manifesting, it’s important that you dive deeper than that; because awareness has power. 


In my work, I find that a lot of people have some deeper fears and limiting beliefs around money that keeps real wealth and success from entering their lives. 

I have worked with people that may fear that they will be viewed differently than their friends if they had a lot of money. I worked with others that were afraid that if they had money they would not know who their true friends were.  If they were prosperous, they wouldn’t know how to manage their funds if they did have it.. I have found some that subconsciously believe that they won’t be loved if they have large amounts of money. These examples are all real limiting beliefs I have helped my clients uncover and reframe. 


What I continue to find again and again is that a lot of limiting money beliefs are centered around relationships and self-worth. 

Begin to think of it as less of a money problem, and more of a self-love, or low self- worth problem. 

Make sense? 


Let me tell you about my own journey.. 

I am continuously uncovering limiting beliefs about myself, and overcoming them. It’s become a bit of a game for me. 


As I was covering my own money beliefs, I found that there were many reasons I avoided the money topic, but here is one story around why I struggled with it for so long. 

I discovered for me I had a subconscious thought that struggling for money meant your family would get to stay together. 

In one of my personal RTT sessions, I recovered a memory of me sitting on the front porch with my mom, I was about 7/8 years old and my parents were having a rough go of it.They were arguing and fighting all the time. I was afraid that they were going to get divorced because they had been arguing so much. In the memory, I was asking my mom if she was going to leave. She assured me that she wouldn’t. My mom was living with the belief that she wouldn’t be able to make it on her own with three children. This is the belief that I acquired from her. 

Have you heard the saying, you learn what you live, you live what you learn. My young brain took on that thought and belief that struggling for money means the family stays together. So of course, my subconscious acted in a way that kept me from even wanting money. My subconscious mind believed that having money meant I couldn’t have my family, and because family is everything to me, I wouldn’t even entertain the idea of having it. So, insert a money block!


Can you kind of see why we need to dive deeper? Why do we need to go to the dark side a little bit to uncover the hidden limiting beliefs we have around the things we want in life? Do you see why manifesting wasn’t working for me? I had hidden beliefs that I didn’t even know about, holding me back from even attempting to attain wealth.


Rapid Transformational Therapy has really helped me breakthrough that limiting subconscious mindset. It has freed me to be able to really go for it, and give up the struggle of life. 

What do you think? 

Are you ready to join me to find your breakthroughs?

I want to help you do just that. 

Click the tab to schedule your discovery call now.

About the Author

Discover a holistic path to healing with Shayleen Halloran, a licensed Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, Shamanic Practitioner, 200hr RYT, and Yoga to Transform Trauma Leader. Embracing the profound mind-body-spirit connection, Shayleen's expertise encompasses all dimensions of well-being. Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Reach out to Shayleen and unlock the keys to building your health, wealth, and happiness. Experience a profound shift towards a life of abundance and fulfillment under her guidance.


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stop wishing your life were different, and take action. 

The time is now. You are here, NOW, for a reason. Let's discover that reason so you can take your life and the life of your family's to the next level.